Promo Codes

Reduce Cart Abandonment by Using Promo Codes

For shoppers, it is easy to get distracted and leave a site before purchasing a full cart. After abandoning their cart, they may or may not purchase those items from your company.

To avoid this, promo codes are used to give the customer a final reason to move forward with a purchase. Promo codes are also especially helpful in introducing shoppers to online grocery, thus benefiting their loyalty.

Lastly, we recommend using a slider, or the banner that appears on the top portion of your website, to introduce your promo codes.


Promo Code Ideas

  • “We’ll waive the convenience fee on your first 5 orders”
  • “We’re waiving fees on orders over $xxx.xx!”
  • “Free X when you spend Y” (X could be a cookie, donut, loaf of bread, or something else the store is known for)
  • “Free delivery all week with promo code…”
  • "First delivery free"

How to Create Promo Codes

  1. Go to your admin panel.
  2. Click on the Marketing tab.
  3. Click on the Promo Codes tab.
  4. Click the blue button "Add New".
  5. Follow the prompts to create your new promo code.

How do I upload a slider?

Where/how can I design my own slider to announce a promo code?

  1. Click "create a design" in the top right corner
  2. Select "custom size" at the bottom of the drop down
  3. Type in the size 980x320 px
  4. Select create new design